- There is no downside to locking in early if you need a mortgage, says ING’s Fred Kreutlein. “…if you lock in with us and the rates go down, we’ll give you the lower rate. If it goes up, you get the rate you locked in at.” Of course, this applies to most other lenders as well. Toronto Sun
- 39% of Canadians would consider buying a condo for their next home according to an Ipsos-Reid pool. That’s 4% higher than the same poll last year. Source: Real Estate Info
- With rising real estate and mortgage fraud, title insurance is a good investment at about $250. Vancouver Sun article via Lestwarog.com
- Ontario’s Land Titles Act now finally puts the onus on lenders to ensure they don’t give mortgage money to crooks. Toronto Sun story
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Last modified: April 25, 2014