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Mortgage Options for New Canadians

immigrant-mortgages 1.1 million people have immigrated to Canada in the past 5 years.  That’s helped Canada’s immigrant population grow at 4 times the rate of the overall country.

Not surprisingly, these new Canadians are becoming an important source of business for mortgage professionals.

To serve them well, however, one must understand their unique needs. Here are a few related facts of note:

  • 91% of new immigrants feel that purchasing a new home is important to them, according to a recent Genworth survey.
  • 72% of immigrants surveyed think their lack of credit history is a barrier to buying a new home.
  • 45% say that understanding English-language mortgage information is difficult.
  • 83% are concerned about their ability to save for a downpayment.
  • The most popular reason immigrants give for buying a home is: “It is a good investment.”

New Canadians clearly want to own homes, and educated mortgage professionals are their best shot at achieving this goal.  Mortgage planners now have access to a variety of mortgage programs for new Canadians, including:

If you’re a broker in a major population centre, know these programs well.

If you’re new to Canada, contact us or any good mortgage planner to see if one of these mortgage options might work for you.

We’ll do another article in coming weeks on the key differences between these programs…

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Last modified: April 26, 2014

Robert McLister is one of Canada’s best-known mortgage experts. A mortgage columnist for The Globe and Mail, interest rate analyst and editor of MortgageLogic.news, Rob has been covering Canada's mortgage market since 2007.
