HomEquity Bank cut its CHIP reverse mortgage rates significantly this week.
CHIP’s variable rate used to be 4.95%. Now it’s just 3.75%.
Rates on CHIP’s fixed terms have gone down as well—from 0.70% to 1.00%.
The reductions are due largely to HomEquity’s recent bank status. Arthur Krzycki Director, Marketing & Public Relations, says: “By Becoming a Schedule I Bank, HomEquity Bank has diversified its funding strategy and lowered its cost of borrowing.”
Krzycki says, “Access to retail deposits in the form of GICs is a significant advantage to the organization.”
That said, it’s interesting that CHIP cut rates so much. It didn’t have to. Currently CHIP has no direct competition in Canada. It’s biggest threat was Seniors Money, but Seniors stopped lending in Q2 2008. (Although, Seniors Money may be back by the new year–or soon thereafter, according to a source at the company.)
CHIP also competes with line of credit (LOC) providers, but the company says LOCs are more of a short-term solution. Krzycki says CHIP has an advantage because borrowers don’t need any income, don’t need good credit, and don’t have to make any payments until they sell their home.
CHIP even has an option whereby they’ll discount your rate ½% if you pay your interest in full each year. That puts the rate at 3.25% currently–the same rate as most secured HELOCs.
With 38.5% of Canadian wealth tied up in home equity, and an aging population, reverse mortgage popularity will only grow. In fact, for senior citizens, the wealth statistics are even more compelling. Gary Krikler, Chief Financial Officer of HomeQ, told the Postmedia News that "77% of senior net worth is in home equity, and 17% view their home as their retirement fund."
Other miscellaneous facts about CHIP:
- You can receive your money in one lump sum or periodically (e.g., monthly, quarterly, etc.).
- Closing, legal and administrative costs on CHIP reverse mortgages are set at $1,495.
- Stock in CHIP’s parent, HOMEQ, is up 157% from its low last November.
- HOMEQ recently announced a $200,000 loss, but President Steven Ranson says, "Our immediate goal is to build on the tremendous achievement of becoming a bank, and to return to the growth rate we enjoyed prior to the financial crisis."
- Canada’s senior population could rise from 4.3 million in 2006 to 9.8 million in 2026, says CHIP.
If you’d like to know more about CHIP reverse mortgages, contact any mortgage planner, call CHIP, or jot us an email.
Last modified: December 24, 2021
When we bought our home, we opted for the home equity type of mortgage whereby we can always borrow on our house without much extra paperwork. In essence, our mortgage is never “discharged”.
Would we still be eligible for a reverse mortgage while we have this other product existing?
Thanks for your help!
Hi Middleway,
Thanks for the note. Secured lines of credit (LOCs) are typically paid out and closed when folks get CHIP reverse mortgages. However, if CHIP and the LOC provider both approve it, it’s possible to keep the LOC and have it postposed into second position.
The problem I have always seen with CHIP reverse mortgages verses a HELOC is choice and cost. Choice being your at the mercy of their rates with no competition and the set up, appraisal and legal costs totalling over $3k.
Rob, I am guessing CHIP secures the full value of the property (to cover principle and the future accumulating interest). If so, why would any LOC lender take a second position that is unsecured?
Hi Banker,
You’re right that CHIPs used to be expensive rate-wise. Now that’s changed. For what they offer, and being a monopoly, I think the rates are pretty decent.
Also, I heard their setup cost was now down to $1495.
Per your question, our CHIP rep confirmed they register the actual amount on title. In other words, if a client is approved for 36% LTV, that is what they register on title.
Hi Rob,
What is their fixed rates? Going forward I believe that government debt will double (see federal,provincial, and municipal debt) If you doubt me look at Ontario’s or B.C’s debt and their big cities like Vancouver or Toronto.
This means the senior who takes out on of these loans should also see the property taxes double well within ten years! Like many years ago many (1930’s) people lost their houses to taxes! Currently most cities use a crazy formula based on the value of their house. If house prices go down will your property taxes go down?