The government should hold off on wide-ranging down payment and amortization changes, says Peter Aceto, ING Direct’s CEO.
While conceding that some of Canada’s real estate markets may be “irrational,” he said this to the Globe & Mail:
- “I worry about government-based tightening of the mortgage rules creating…too fast of a cooling, which is not really good for anyone.”
- “The banks in this country don’t have to lend to the limit of the law – they can make smart rules on their own and not have Minister Flaherty make the decision for them.”
Scotia Capital, in a separate Globe interview, said Canada will “face even greater risk of a price bubble popping” if “abrupt rule changes” are imposed as home prices correct naturally.
The Globe’s been giving this topic a lot of play lately. Here’s yet a another editorial asserting that a mortgage rule crackdown is unneeded.
Last modified: April 28, 2014