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Seven in 10 mortgage holders anxious about upcoming renewal, MPC survey reveals

However, MPC’s latest consumer survey also revealed improving consumer sentiment, with more Canadians believing that now is a good time to buy a home.

MPC Consumer Survey 2024

Of mortgage holders facing renewal in the coming 12 months, 69% say they are anxious about the process, marking a seven-percentage-point decrease from last year, according to Mortgage Professionals Canada’s mid-year update of its Semi-Annual State of the Housing Market Report.

In total, nearly a third of Canadians expect to renew their mortgage in the coming year, while more than three quarters (77%) will see their mortgage term renew within the next three years.

In anticipation of their upcoming mortgage renewal and expected payment increase, 61% of borrowers report cutting back on spending to manage their mortgage obligations.

Additional actions and concerns cited by respondents in anticipation of their renewal include:

  • 17%: Changing jobs, taking on additional work, or planning to do so to afford mortgage payments
  • 14%: Concerns about missing one or more mortgage payments
  • 10%: Renting out a room or having already done so to offset mortgage costs
  • 10%: Selling their home or planning to sell it to manage payments
  • 4%: Already missing one or more mortgage payments

Overall, more Canadians say they are less comfortable with their monthly cash flow and debt levels compared to a year ago. Over a third (34%) say they are uncomfortable with their monthly cash flow (+5 pts. from last year), while 38% are uncomfortable with their level of debt (+4 pts.).

Ongoing financial anxiety continues to impact Canadian mortgage holders and non-owners, although stress levels are showing signs of improvement.

According to the survey, 43% of non-owners now believe they will never be able to purchase a home, a decline of seven percentage points compared to last year’s mid-year survey results. On the other hand, 18% of non-owners expect to buy a home within the next year, and an additional 25% anticipate entering the housing market within the next two years.

Overall, 42% of respondents now say it’s a good time to purchase a home in their community, an improvement of 11 points from a year ago.

The mortgage market

Mortgage types

  • 75% of mortgage holders had fixed-rate mortgages in 2024 (+3 pts. from 2023)
    • 77% said their rate has always been fixed
    • 8% said they locked in from a variable rate within the past 12 months
  • 20% of mortgages have variable or adjustable rates (-3 pts.)
    • 14% of variable-rate borrowers said they switched from a fixed rate within the past 12 months, while 24% switched from a fixed rate more than 12 months ago
    • Of those who switched from a fixed rate, 78% waited until their renewal, 17% broke their mortgage early and 5% don’t know
  • 3% of borrowers have a combination of fixed and variable, known as “hybrid” mortgages (unchanged)


  • 10% of respondents said they paid a penalty when breaking their most recent mortgage (-1 pt. from last year)
  • 47% recall discussing potential penalties with their mortgage professional (-2 pts.), while 27% said penalties weren’t discussed and 26% don’t recall
  • $4,371: The average penalty paid


  • 77% of mortgage holders expect to renew their mortgage within the next three years
    • 30% expect to renew within the next 12 months
    • 55% expect to renew within the next two years


  • 44% of current borrowers say they have access to a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
  • 51% of borrowers with access to a HELOC have never borrowed against it
  • $115,901: The average amount of home equity the average borrower has access to via their HELOC
  • $32,672: The average amount borrowed from their HELOC

Most common uses for HELOC funds include:

  • 38%: For home renovation (+2 pts. from two years ago)
  • 37%: For debt consolidation and repayment (+4 pts.)
  • 29%: To make a purchase (+9 pts.)
  • 21%: For investments (-1 pt.)
  • 12%: To gift or lend to family members (+4 pts.)

Actions to accelerate mortgage repayment

  • 55% of mortgage holders have taken action to shorten their amortization periods (+4 pts.)
    • 36% increased the amount or frequency of their payment (-1 pt.)
    • 19% made one lump-sum payment (+4 pts.)
    • 15% made multiple lump-sum payments
    • 28% made both a lump-sum and accelerated payments
  • 64% of borrowers say they are familiar with the prepayment privileges on their mortgage
    • 27% are very familiar
    • 37% are somewhat familiar
    • 20% are neutral
    • 15% are unfamiliar

Use of mortgage professionals and lenders

Broker share

  • 33% of mortgage borrowers used the services of a mortgage broker when they obtained their mortgage (-1 pt. year-over-year)
    • 44% of first-time buyers used a mortgage broker (-2 pts.)
    • 41% of those who purchased within the last two years (-4 pts.)
    • 40% of those in Alberta (+2 pts.)
    • 40% of Millennials (+1 pt)
    • 40% of Gen X (-2 pts.)
  • 56% of mortgage borrowers used the services of a bank

Likelihood to use the same mortgage professional or lender when refinancing

  • 64% use their same mortgage professional when refinancing (-1 pt. from last year)
    • 24% changed mortgage professionals (+3 pts.)
    • 12% don’t know
  • 74% used their same lender (-5 pts.)
    • 18% changed lenders (+5 pts.)
    • 8% don’t know

Current lender type

  • 55%: One of Canada’s big banks
  • 23%: Non-bank lender or small bank lender
  • 10%: Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC)
  • 6%: Credit union, life insurance or trust company
  • 4%: Private lender

Opinion towards private lenders

  • 38% of borrowers have not used a private lender and would not consider using one
    • 28% said they haven’t used a private lender, but would consider using one
  • 5% of borrowers say they have used a private lender
  • 2% said they have used a private lender and would not consider using them in the future
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Last modified: December 22, 2024

Steve Huebl is a graduate of Ryerson University's School of Journalism and has been with Canadian Mortgage Trends and reporting on the mortgage industry since 2009. His past work experience includes The Toronto Star, The Calgary Herald, the Sarnia Observer and Canadian Economic Press. Born and raised in Toronto, he now calls Montreal home.
