Business Development
These articles delve into best practices and strategies for brokers and brokerages on how to thrive in today’s mortgage market. This can include everything from marketing advice to tips on incorporating the latest technology to ensure mortgage consumers are being well-served.

How Mortgage Brokers Can Harness the Power of Local Search
In an era of convenience, being found is more than just a webpage showing up on the first page of Google.

How to Keep Marketing When Business Stops Moving
I saw a great meme this week. It said, “For years, I thought my housework wasn’t getting done because I didn’t have the time. Turns

Market Your Mortgage Business More Effectively in 2020
It’s not too early to be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. And since you’re promoting yourself and building business, more efficient marketing is probably on

Social Selling: Here’s How to Get Started
Canada’s Internet fact book (issued by CIRA) is full of facts and figures about how Canadians use the Internet. Conspicuously absent from the fact book

30 Easy Social Media Posts to Keep You in Front of Your Clients – Part III
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: finding the time to post regularly on social media is a huge challenge. Keeping in front

When it Comes to LinkedIn, You Are What You Share (Part II)
If you only share original content on LinkedIn, you are my hero. Most people just don’t find the time to write enough to be considered

Is Your LinkedIn Profile as Effective as it Could Be? (Part I)
I recently read an article that perfectly summed up how LinkedIn should work for all of us. The article quoted Artie Isaac, who says, “Looking

Lights…Camera…Inaction: Why You’re Not Using Video, But Should be
Here’s the scenario. I say “You should do video.” Then you visibly recoil and give me a bunch of reasons why you can’t: You’re not

How Brokers Can Take Control of Their Online Reviews
Online reviews are now the tool that consumers inherently trust—just ask 18- to 34-year-olds, 91% of whom admit to trusting online reviews as much as