
Renting vs. buying in today’s market: how monthly payments compare
A new study has found the cost of renting vs. buying comparable housing in select Canadian markets is nearly on par.

Investors made up 20-30% of home purchases during the pandemic: StatCan
Investors made up between one fifth and one third of home purchases in 2020, according to new data from Statistics Canada.

75% of Gen Z Adults Plan to Buy a Home Despite Affordability Hurdle
Home ownership continues to be a priority for most young adults. Three quarters of Generation Z adults in Canada plan to buy a home in their lifetime, half of whom say that goal is “very likely.”

Buying vs. Renting: Homeowners Come Out Ahead, Study Says
Despite higher home prices and larger mortgages, monthly housing costs are currently lower for homeowners—on average—compared to renters.

Latest in Mortgage News: Homeownership Becoming a “Pipe Dream” for Millennials
A growing number of millennials are resigning themselves to the fact that homeownership may be out of reach for them, according to a new poll.

Canadians Not Deterred By Homeownership Obstacles
Those dreaming of homeownership face a long list of obstacles: high prices, low supply and ever-changing mortgage rules and qualification requirements, to name a few.

Majority of Canadians Say It’s Better to Own than Rent
Despite stratospheric prices in the country’s largest housing markets, a majority of Canadians still see the value in owning a home compared to renting. That’s

Homeownership Rates in Canada Still Among Highest Globally
Despite housing affordability concerns across the country, homeownership rates in Canada remain among some of the highest in the world. As of 2016 (the most

Benefits of Homeownership Reaffirmed in New Study
Despite deteriorating housing affordability across the country, buying a home is still the more affordable option when compared to renting. A new report from Mortgage